Life Lately: July 2023
Walking a short trail in Hudson after a lovely dinner at Welly’s.
There is always something special about July - for me, it really feels like summer and only summer. We are past the feelings of anticipation and fully in the season. And, we’re not yet battling the marketing teams who try to get us to pre-order our PSL’s and prep for the holidays far too early (can we wait until September this year, at least?!).
The days are hot (albeit, very rainy this year), the nights feel relaxed, and there is a spontaneity to the season that just feels good. As I write this, I’m also exhausted. This week I hit the 14 week post-surgery mark. My recovery is going faster and I’m feeling strong every day. I started back at work two weeks ago, my social life has gotten busier, and life has come closer to its normal look and feel. And, it’s led me to think about: how I spend my time, how I fill my cup, what I must let go of, and what I must prioritize. More on that later, so let’s get into this month.
The month started off with an amazing birthday party for my dear friend Ari’s son, a visit from one of my favorite couples, and (hosting) a fourth of July party. From there, we had Adriana’s first sports class, several really fun playdates, a MamaConnect Motherhood Discussion and Summer Mixer, two Central Mass Mom splash pad meet-ups, (hosted) the Central Mass Mom Contributor Pool Party, had several family visits, swim lessons, and everything in between. Amidst all of the fun, my physical therapy picked up intensely, I had my second post-op appointment, Will had ear tubes put in, and I started back at work. And - I officially submitted my ICF credential application, confirmed the first few participants in the BUILD cohort, and took on two new 1:1 coaching clients. Wow! Yes, exhausted is right.
I am often asked how I do it all. I’m honestly not sure, but here’s what I do know. I focus on doing things that I LOVE to do as often as I can (energy giving things: for me, it’s community building, hosting gatherings, coaching, writing, adventure-ing, spending time with friends + family, and more). I rest when I need to - it’s not often that my mind/body says STOP - but, I’ve learned to listen when it does. And I have excellent systems to organize my life - and, I’ve practiced being imperfect and not using my tools all the time.
With that, let’s get into the usual things along with a fun new section!
Watching/Reading/Listening: For as many books as I read in June, I hardly read any in July. I read three that were okay (Kismet, The Art of War, and Make Your Bed) and one that is required reading (Rest Is Resistance). I binged The Bear S2 and Based On A True Story S1, and am watching And Just Like That and Hijack. I was cleared to drive short distances a week or two ago, so I’m finally listening to podcasts again and getting caught up on my favorites: We Can Do Hard Things, Crime Junkie, and Park Predators (one of my summer-only listens).
What I’m Loving: I have been sharing a lot about The Day Designer, and I continue to love it - it’s my favorite planner. For local readers, we had two date nights this month: Bocado in Worcester and Welly’s in Hudson - both were so great! I am not a big clothing shopper, though I thoroughly enjoyed a recent Talbots sale (and for every item I purchased, I donated at least two). My newest obsession? The jalapeño limeade from Trader Joes (ideally with a shot of smoky mezcal in it). And of course - I’ve started the new Elin Hilderbrand novel (a summer staple), and should be done within the week.
101 in 1001: I made really good progress during the first half of the month. I created baby albums for both kids (about 85% done) and printed a ton of engagement/wedding/family pictures and framed them. Just need to hang them, and will have quite a few items checked off the list. I submitted my ICF credentialing application which was 6+ years in the making. I won’t get my results for a couple months, but feel great about this step. There are a few others that I’m chugging along on, so will continue to share updates as I go.
WHAT’S NEXT: I have a lot of exciting things in the works, so am going to try a new format of sharing them in this post (Life Lately is my most viewed post each month).
Motherhood Discussion: Family Rituals + Traditions | August 10th
Motherhood Discussion: Back To School | September 12th
Motherhood Discussion: Friendship | October 18th
Fall Mixer | Date Coming SOON!
Tuesdays, starting September 19th | Apply TODAY!
I have TWO really exciting collaborations coming up this fall. I’ll be sharing more about an experience I’m co-creating with Ari from The Good Getter in the next couple of days. And soon after, I’ll share more about one in the works with Flan from Avo Coaching. I am SO excited to collaborate and bring really meaningful events to my community.
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Long-Term Coaching: I have capacity to bring on 1-2 more clients in August, and then will likely not have any space until at least January 2024. If you’re thinking about working together for a coaching engagement, reach out soon.
One Session Intensive: If you have a particular (and short-term!) life, work, or business challenge you are looking for support on, you can book a 1-time session with me. You’ll walk away with increased clarity, new ideas, major inspiration, and a short-term plan.
Instagram Walking Challenge: Returning in September! In June and July, I supported over 25 people in making progress towards their monthly walking goals in a really fun instagram challenge - complete with accountability. I’ll be taking the month of August off, and will be back in September. Stay tuned on Instagram if you want to join in then!