Life Lately: January 2023
We were both super proud of our snowman!
As I sit down to write this, with just a few days left of the month, I am feeling - somewhat surprisingly - calm. Usually by the end of a month, I am exhausted. I talk about the whirlwind of everything we did, all the places we went, and the hustle and bustle of daily life. This month was intentionally quieter, and I’m feeling grateful. It is what I set out to do, as part of my 2023 theme. The month started off slowly, with our household being hit by the flu just before New Year’s weekend. And since it is often said (or at least, The OC said it, so it must be true) - how you spend New Year’s Eve is how you’ll spend the rest of the year. If that’s true, I’ll spend it cozied up with my family in PJ’s and asleep by 9pm. After the past year, that doesn’t sound half bad!
As we began to feel better, we ventured off for some fun adventures. We went to the Boston Children’s Museum and the Museum of Science, Adriana began swim lessons, we had a fun night out with my mom and step-dad, and we built a snowman. For the fifth time, I did the 30-day Yoga with Adriene challenge, practicing every single day for the month - and, as I often do, I took part in Dry January. I am excited to keep up the daily yoga practice in February, and I am looking forward to a nice glass of wine next weekend. With that, here’s a recap of the month.
Watching/Reading/Listening: I read a lot this month. I just started my seventh book, and it felt really good to escape into novels this month. My two favorites were The Marriage Portrait and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. I also read All Good People Here, Daisy Darker, and Still Life. I’m halfway through A Flicker in the Dark and A Fatal Grace, as well as a few non-fiction books I’ve been working on. More on those next month! Given the flu and another cold/sinus infection, I also caught up on quite a bit of TV. I binged the third season of Dead To Me, the second of Sex Lives of College Girls, the second of Ginny and Georgia, and started The Last of Us. I’m just wrapping up Your Own Backyard, and listening to Crime Junkie and We Can Do Hard Things, like always.
What I’m Loving: I can’t tell you how much I love Yoga With Adriene. I have done her January practice with the same group of friends for so many years, and it continues to be one of my favorite traditions. The most important notion is to keep showing up, which is such an important reminder for life as well. This month I also came back to one my favorite baking books, Perfectly Golden. If you have any major food allergy and love baked goods, you must get this book.
101 in 1001: I made some solid progress this month! As I mentioned, we built a snowman, which had been on the list and we didn’t get enough snow last year. We went to a couple museums that allowed me to check another box. I read a ton of books, which is moving me towards that goal more quickly. It feels like I have so many more to go, but as always, this is an intentional effort to make space for the activities that I most want to do, over a set amount of time.
What’s Next: This month I also launched my new newsletter! I’m writing new content each month that will only be available there, so please subscribe! I’m continuing to lead mom-focused gatherings at my home every month, so if you’re local and want more info, please please reach out. I’d love to have you as part of this community and I have some BIG ideas for this year. In the coming months, I’ll be navigating a somewhat unexpected and major challenge - more on that soon. In the meantime, February is shaping up to be a really fun month - we have Thomas’ birthday, my birthday, Valentine’s Day, a girls weekend, and vacation!
How was your January?! Drop me a note - can’t wait to hear!
Lastly - I have ONE more spot available for a new coaching client starting in February. If you’re interested, send me a note!